Annual One Day CLE
Camden Valley Inn 290 Remembrance Drive, Cawdor, NSW, AustraliaDear Colleagues, We invite you to join fellow members and other guests for our annual one day CLE event. There are 6 CLE points for attendance. The current runsheet is as follows but subject to change if necessary: 8.00 Registration 8.20 Welcome 8.30 Cybersecurity - Jim Sofiak - Chief Trust Account Investigator NSW Law Society […]
May CPD Dinner: Is “But they made me” a valid legal defence? The complex simplicity of Duress.
Camden Valley Inn 290 Remembrance Drive, Cawdor, NSW, AustraliaWe invite you to join us on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 for our May CPD Dinner with Guest Speaker Sarah Carr, Barrister. Sarah will be presenting Is “But they made me” a valid legal defence? The complex simplicity of Duress. Having recently appeared in a trial involving a Mexican drug cartel, Sarah will provide us […]