Tag: CLE

May CPD Dinner: Is “But they made me” a valid legal defence? The complex simplicity of Duress.

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We invite you to join us on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 for our May CPD Dinner with Guest Speaker Sarah Carr, Barrister.

Sarah will be presenting  Is “But they made me” a valid legal defence?  The complex simplicity of Duress.

Having recently appeared in a trial involving a Mexican drug cartel, Sarah will provide us with her experiences, and the use of duress as a defence.

About Sarah:

Sarah completed her Bachelor degree at UWS Macarthur (as it was then), a Master of Laws (Criminal Practice) at UOW and in the craziness of 2020/2021 a Masters of Laws (Wills & Estates) from the College of Law.

Sarah is a long term resident of Macarthur who chooses to raise her family within the Macarthur region.

Before becoming a barrister Sarah worked at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (firstly in the Campbelltown office, then in Dubbo); at the Aboriginal Legal Service (first in Bourke, then in Parramatta) and at Legal Aid (including at the Campbelltown and Parramatta offices).

Sarah Carr is founder of ‘Janet Coombs Chambers’ based at Oran Park and specialises in Criminal Law while also appearing in other jurisdictions when the opportunity presents itself.

Date: Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Time: 5.30pm for 6pm start.

Venue: Camden Valley Inn

Cost: $60

Annual One Day CLE

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to join fellow members and other guests for our annual one day CLE event.  There are 6 CLE points for attendance.

The current runsheet is as follows but subject to change if necessary:

8.00 Registration
8.20 Welcome

8.30  Cybersecurity  – Jim Sofiak – Chief Trust Account Investigator NSW Law Society

9.30 Judge Murdoch FCFCOA – Family Law – Recovery Orders and the new Family Law Landscape including delegated powers

10.30 Judge Neville FCFCOA – Parental Alienation

11.30 Morning Tea

12.00 Property/Leasing and COVID – Dean Claughton 

1.00 Lunch

2.00 Panel Session – Wellness, Mindfulness, Mentoring and the Legal Profession – Featuring Malcolm Gittoes-Caesar, Josephine Byrnes, Kelly Stanford – Moderated by Jessica Strangio

3.00 Afternoon Tea

3.30 Lance Watson – Cryptocurrency Assets 

4.30 Networking and fellowship.

Morning and Afternoon tea and lunch will be provided. Drinks are available to be purchased at the bar on the day.

Tickets are limited so get in quick!

Hope to see you there!

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